Padar Island Hike: The Most Stunning View In Komodo
Padar Island Hike: The Most Stunning View In Komodo

With over 13,000 islands, Indonesia really has something unique to offer everyone. From combing the white sandy beaches of laidback Lombok, to exploring the untouched landscapes of Moyo island, Gap360’s Komodo Island Hopper is the perfect introduction to this diverse country.

Having just returned home after the most incredible 9 day adventure, I’ve put together a list of things I wish I’d have known before travelling, so that you can make the most of your Indonesian adventure. I honestly cannot recommend this trip enough!

So if you’re off on an Indonesian island hopping adventure, check out my top 5 travel tips below!

Transport in Indonesia

1. Make Sense of The Currency

I’m sure this is common sense to most of you, but make sure you get your Indonesian Rupiah well in advance; most travel companies don’t stock it and it will need to be ordered in. I (foolishly) left it until the day before my flight and has to run around my local town trying to find some – not fun! You can always get currency at the airport but unless you want to pay £££ on top of the actual conversion, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Now Indonesian Rupiah is a really confusing currency, I’m still not sure I understand it. But one thing is for sure, you get a lot for your money! During some down time in Lombok, a few of us decided to treat ourselves to a traditional Balinese Massage. For a one hour full body massage I paid IDR 140,000 (aka £7). Food, accomodation and drinks are all equally inexpensive; I spent roughly £160 on the 9 day trip.

2. Bali Belly

Despite the name ‘Bali belly’, this unwelcomed visitor is not limited to Bali. By drinking only bottled water, avoiding ice, consuming street food with a degree of caution and regularly using hand sanitiser, you can reduce your chances of getting a funny tummy.

A typical meal in Indonesia

3. Don’t Skip Leg Day

No but seriously, 90% of public toilets in Indonesia are squat toilets and the other 10% you do not want to be sitting on. Maybe practice your wall sits before you travel. Other than that, stock up on antibacterial gel, loo roll and wet wipes –  you can thank me later. All of the accommodation on the trip had a western toilets but it’s good to be prepared for those impromptu public loo stops.

4. Learn The Local Lingo

Indonesian people are famously friendly and learning a few basic words in the local lingo will go a long way. Don’t be shy! Try selamat pagi (good morning), terima kasih (thank you), tolong (please) and tidak pedas (no spicy), for starters.

Sunset from the boat

5. Don’t Forget The Essentials

Beside the obvious clothes and accessories, remember to pack the following:

  • maximum strength mosquito spray
  • bite cream/antiseptic cream/plasters
  • suncream
  • plug adaptor (Indonesia uses the European-style two-pin round plugs)
  • ear plugs
  • rehydration sachets (just in case)
  • portable charger (this is super useful for the nights on the boat. Although there is one charging point onboard it was pretty in demand)
  • the intense heat calls for constant hydration but consider purchasing a refillable bottle instead of relying on plastic bottles as plastic creates unnecessary waste.

I took my travel pillow which was a welcomed luxury on the long minibus journeys and during the nights on the boat – if you have room, I 100% recommend packing yours!

Do keep in mind the baggage restrictions on internal flights, it can be different for each connection!

The Padar Island Hike

So there you have it, my 5 top tips to ensure you get the most out of your Gap360 Komodo Island Hopping adventure! Be respectful, don’t do anything you wouldn’t do at home and you’re on track for the holiday of a lifetime!

Jasmin x

Don’t forget to follow me on bloglovin! to stay up to date with my posts!


Amazing photos! And I love that your travel advice is very practical and down to earth:)

Beautiful photos and handy information. Also pinned for when I do travel to Indonesia.

Ah it looked amazing and all of your photos are incredible! These are all great tips too and the Indonesian currency is so tricky to get your head around isn’t it?!xo

Char |


Your photography is amazing it looked like such a fab trip! Indonesia is really high up on my travel list I’m desperate to go, it looks amazing! xx

Em //

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