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Feeling uninspired? It’s something that seems to plague all creatives at some point. For me, it’s pretty frequent and I know from experience how frustrating it can be. So if you’re stuck or feeling burnt out, here are some simple ideas to get your creative juices flowing again…


  1. Move Your Butt

Elizabeth Gilbert writes in her book Big Magic “any motion whatsoever beats inertia, because inspiration will always be drawn to motion.” I think she’s spot on. Get out of your usual workspace, take a walk and stimulate your brain. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, as long as you get moving and away from the desk. You’ll be surprised what a difference a change of scenery can make. 


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  1. Surround Yourself With Likeminded Individuals

This is so important. Surrounding yourself with talented people who are great at what they do, brings endless inspiration and support. Get out of your own head and bounce ideas off friends/family/anyone that’s willing to listen. Failing that, join a social media support group – Creative Gal Gang is an endless source of inspiration and my current favourite. Set up by Kelsey Heinreichs, the Facebook group is a place for support and advice for women in any creative industry. Click here to join.


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  1. Take Care Of Yourself

    This of course means exercising and not eating crap all the time, but I’m also talking about getting making time for self-care. Clear your mind by running a bath, doing some yoga, binge watching Netflix, however you like to relax. 

  1. Find A New Source Of Inspiration

    Read a book, bake a new recipe, sign up for an evening class – look for inspiration outside of your niche. Often, creative ruts are caused by familiarity, so challenge yourself to try something completely different that’s outside your comfort zone.


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  1. Take A Fucking Break 

Creativity is a pretty delicate thing. Exercise it too much and eventually, like anything it’ll burn out. When I actually start listening to my body during a creative rut, I often find that I’m overwhelmed with work and have neglected giving my brain the rest it needs. Listen to your body to see what you need – perhaps it’s just a break from the stress?


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What helps you get your Creative Mojo back? Let me know in the comments!

Jasmin x

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