Ooooh, that looks cool. And look over there. Wait, there’s samples this way. Come back, there’s a talk starting soon. But wait, we gotta try this first. Oh, gotta go, my class starts in 5.

What a crazy, inspiring and damn right delicious day today was. Unless you have no interest in health/fitness or have been living under a rock, you’ll know that it’s Balance festival this weekend. Three days of inspiring talks, crazy workouts and 150+ incredible food, fashion and beauty brands.

It’s Saturday evening, I’m sat on the train home buzzing with energy and inspiration. I’ve just flicked through 200+ photos of food on my camera (I wish this was an exaggeration) and realised that..

1. As usual I was way too snap happy


2. I should probably upload a blog post so the photos don’t sit in some randomly named folder on my computer and never get seen again.

As much as I would love to mention all of the amazing brands I spoke to and all the foods I sampled today, it would be impossible because there’s just too many. So instead, enjoy my 5 foodie favourites from today…

1. Nibs ETC

You know when you juice, and you’re left with all that fruit pulp and have no idea what to do with it? Well Chloe Stewart (aka Nibs ETC) has come up with a genius way of using food that would otherwise be thrown away to create the most delicious treats. The juice pulp loaf and granola were out of this world!

2. Elspeth Kitchen

Did somebody say caaaake? I don’t think much needs to be said about Elspeth Kitchen. Hopefully these photos speak for themselves. Founder Elspeth creates the most beautiful gluten, refined-sugar and dairy free cakes. They feel indulgent, nourish the body AND are totally Insta worthy. What’s not to love?


3.True Nopal Cactus Water

Ever tried cactus water? Huh? Well no, neither had I. I was a little sceptical having recently tried Birch water and not being the biggest fan but the little pink (yes pink!) samples drew me in.  Turns out Cactus Water is pretty damn delicious. Fruity, 100% natural and refreshing. Still strange though.


4. Escape and Bake

These guys had me on ‘protein doughnuts’. Let alone when I found a Nutella version. GIMME


5. Nutty Cacao

Can you ever really go wrong with peanut butter cups? (hint: no) That aside, Nutty Cacao’s natural peanuts cups are DEElicious. I spent a lot of time hovering by their stall and munching on samples.


Did you go to Balance Festival? What were your favourite parts?

Jasmin xx

Yus I went on Sat! I loved Heck Sausages, Chia seeds & rebel kitchen chocolate mylk. Next year ill try a class!

Vanessa xxx

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