In case you missed it on Instagram or Twitter: for the past three months I have officially been a full-time freelance content creator and photographer (eeeek!). This blog post has been a long time coming. I originally started writing it the week after I handed in my notice but the past 3 months have been an absolute whirlwind and it’s been sitting neglected in my notes until now. 

Now don’t get me wrong, blogging whilst working full time has it’s perks (yes, I’m talking £££), but it’s difficult. You have to be willing to sacrifice a lot for very little in return. It’s long hours, coming home from work only to continue working and turning down amazing opportunities because you’re only allocated so many days annual leave. And whilst I made it work for 9 months the truth is, I was exhausted. 

Healthy Twenties
Dress: Miss Selfridge. Hat: Mango. Shoes: New Look

It’s not that I strongly disliked my job, but it didn’t set my heart on fire either. I’m sorry to disappoint but there’s not been any life-changing event or epiphany – just at some point, sat fidgeting in an uncomfortable office chair, I decided enough was enough. Something in my soul wasn’t satisfied with the work I was creating and that didn’t sit right with me. 

Growing up, I wanted to follow in my mums footsteps and be a photographer, then it was a magazine editor, then a Graphic Designer. So when I got my first job as a Creative Design and Brand Specialist (glorified Graphic Designer/social media whizz) I thought I was onto something. But the more time I spent creating content for someone else, the more I wished I was focusing on developing my own brand. 

Thing is, running a blog I can be all the things I aspired to be – I get to be my own boss and create content I love for brands I’m passionate about. I just never imagined it was possible to earn enough from blogging to pay the bills. How wrong was I?

To put it in perspective, I started my Instagram in 2014. Back then I had no idea that my little recipe blog would grow into what it is today. I posted dodgy, overexposed photos from my iPhone 4S and wrote captions that still make me cringe to this day – I can’t count the amount of times I’ve hovered over the delete button but I always restrain myself. I think it’s so important to scroll back and reflect on how far you’ve come. 

Old Healthy Twenties
*Exhibit A. I’m cringing so hard right now.

Fast forward 3 years, and I received my first email from a brand who wanted to send me some products… for free?! I couldn’t believe it! Yes, I replied, of course I want to style/photograph/edit and promote your products for free. In the beginning, I was so flattered to be asked that I said yes to everything. 

But gradually I started to see my blog as a business and began to turn down opportunities that weren’t worth my time. I started tracking income/expenditure and hired an accountant to deal with tax returns (because that’s a headache I do not want to deal with). My blogging income slowly starting creeping up until it was equal to my salaried job *cue handing in my notice* and here we are today. 

Healthy Twenties
Dress: Miss Selfridge. Hat: Mango. Shoes: New Look

Being self-employed isn’t for everyone. A lot of people were so confused as to why I would leave the security of traditional ‘full-time’ role for a life of uncertainty as a freelancer. But in my opinion, the perks completely outweigh the negatives. I’m happier, and life’s too short to not love what you do, right? 

If you’re still here, firstly thank you for reading my waffle. Secondly, ask yourself this – are you happy in your job or just comfortable? Because there’s no time like the present.

Jasmin x

Don’t forget to follow me on bloglovin to stay up to date with all my latest posts!


I’d love to blog full-time, but I think I would miss the atmosphere of working in an office! Also, my dream jobs are pretty similar to yours (I’m a Graphic Designer), however, I’d like to do more charity work this year!

Zoey |

Love the post!

Living a life that is exhausting is so terrible! So I know how you feel, but you made the real and authentic choice!

I’m the same way as you, I’ll gladly pass on the security of a full time job to pursue the things that my heart wants. What I truly want to do. I started doing this afternoon two years of working, listening to my parents advice.

My parents are very smart and I love them but this is where we differ! I’ve had it happen too where people were very confused why I chose to uncertainity. But to each their own!

“I think it’s so important to scroll back and reflect on how far you’ve come. ” I agree with this 100% and actually just wrote a blog on this topic ! I agree 100% BUT it wasn’t until recently I realized this. Too often before I would focus too much on the present and Improving who I am now, that I would forget to acknowledge my accomishments. It’s so important though!

And to answer your final question. I am definitely happy in my job!!

Great post 💕
Can’t wait to read more! Going to get a bloglovin account now and follow you. I’ve never heard of bloglovin til now!

Also that first picture I love so much!!! That dress is so cute !! 💕

Reli Clothing

Congratulations on going freelance! I hope it goes amazingly well for you. I am currently working full time and blogging, one day I would love my blog to be my full time job as even in the office all I am thinking about my blog! My blog is in its early days but I am loving it and working incredibly hard 🙂 Any advice you would have for me would be greatly appreciated? Thank you in advance 🙂 Keep working hard <3

Nice post! I’m still at the stage where I’m taking newbie photos and writing captions I think I’ll cringe about if I looked at it in a few years! But right now I think it looks pretty good haha! I think it’s so awesome that bloggers can get to that point where they get to quit their jobs full time and start blogging full time, as well as being contacted by companies! I’m at the stage where I’m just starting my real world career and I already want to wind down!!

Great post! So inspirational and motivating. I dream of the day that I can quit my job. I’m currently working my day job and supplementing my income by blogging and consulting. I’ve only been doing both for 6 months so seeing what I could be in 3 years is so inspirational! You are goals! Those pictures were stunning. This post gave me life! Love your blog!

I’m so happy for you! I personally could never be freelance as I’m one of those people that needs the security but I admire people who are brave enough to JUST DO IT. Maybe in another life I’ll be more carefree. I recently quit my job too without a new job secured but I had to get out of there for my mental health. I went on holiday and refreshed my email one night and I had been invited to two interviews. Fast forward, I’m starting at ASOS in two weeks.

Fran |

I love this!!!


Thank you so much!

I SO wish I could do this! I can’t wait until the day that I finally can. So so happy for you and the content you create is incredible!xo

Char |


Thanks for sharing your story. I do find it difficult managing a “9-5” with my blog and often get called unsociable for being on my phone or laptop doing blog related tasks after work. I’m very happy to hear you took the plunge to go self employed and it’s working out for you – I’m not satisfied I’m my current job but wouldn’t leave without something to go to.

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