This post has been sponsored by Nordgreen, but as always all opinions are my own. For 35% off your order, use the code COUNTRY35. 

Nordgreen Philosopher Watch with brown leather strap

If I learnt anything from the first lockdown, it’s the importance of daily exercise. Not just for my physical well-being, but my mental health too. A walk in the countryside has become my medicine; a chance to clear my head and a welcome change of scenery. 

In my last blog post, I introduced you to Danish watch brand Nordgreen. It’s been a few weeks since I received their Philosopher watch to review, and so I wanted to share a little update along with some photos from my daily walks. 

A Quick Recap: Who Are Nordgreen?

Nordgreen was founded in 2017 by Danish friends Vasilij Brandt and Pascar Sivam. Working closely with renowned designer Jakob Wagner, they’ve created a collection of watches that embody Scandiavian minimalist design. All of the watches are affordable, yet high-quality and timeless. 

If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’ll know that it’s really important for me to work with brands that share my values. It only takes a quick browse of the Nordgreen website to see that social responsibility and environmental sustainability are at the heart of their business. It is, after all, part of their brand identity. ‘Nord’ comes from the company’s Nordic identity and ‘Green’ from their focus on the environment. 

All of Nordgreen’s packaging is made of FSC-certified cardboard and even the felt inside the box is made from reused plastic bottles. They’ve also planted thousands of trees to offset the carbon emissions generated by their office. How brilliant is that? I really hope more brands begin to follow in Nordgreen’s footsteps. 

Final Thoughts

Here I’m wearing the Philosopher model with a 36mm silver case and dark brown leather strap. 

Reverse of the Nordgreen Philosopher watch

So what’s my verdict? Well, I’ve completely fallen in love with wearing a watch again. Before I was guilty of using my phone to tell the time, which meant mindlessly scrolling or checking emails mid-walk. I’ve been making a conscious effort to use my phone less and having a beautiful watch really helps with that. It’s funny that Jakob Wagner’s inspiration for the Philosopher watch was nature itself and through wearing it I’ve been able to immerse myself in nature more. 

The classic timepiece is the perfect companion for my daily walks, even in the wet November weather. It’s rain resistant (waterproof up to 3ATM) which is all I anticipate needing. I don’t plan on diving in any puddles soon anyway! I did mention in my last post that the leather strap could do with softening around my wrist. A few weeks in and it’s done just that. 

Each Timepiece Matters

In case you’re wondering, I chose to support Cool Earth and protect the rainforest through Nordgreen’s Giving Back Programme. You can read about the other global charity initiatives your purchase can support here

I just want to leave you with this quote from founders Pascar and Vasilij:

“We believe the right to good health, a clean environment, and a full education are rights for all. The harsh reality, however, is that much of the world does not experience them. Motivated by our Danish values, when we founded Nordgreen, we knew we had to do our part to help to change this in whatever way we could. There was no excuse not to give back.”

Nordgreen Discount Code 

With Christmas on the horizon, a Nordgreen watch would make a lovely gift for a loved one (or treat yourself!). Use the code: COUNTRY35 for 35% off Black Friday Watches

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